Friday, July 31, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New B-day Shirt

Today, at Vayerman's Surprise Party, he rained these new shirts.

The flamewings were NOT rained. I renewed my citizenship. I'll be playing Chobots until January 2011!! Yep, I have 1 1/2 years worth of membership now. Awesome.

Vayerman's Surprise Party

Vayerman had a Surprise Party today. He did a bunch of magic. I was so excited that I forgot to get pictures of everything! Sorry about that.

Chlos has a face!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

New Mod Magic Part 2

New Mod Magic Part 1

Chocice Drew a Picture of Me!

New Pet Updates

Four New Pet Items

It's Coming!!!!

Tdawg and I have been asking for a pool for a few months. Woot!!! It is going to happen. Vayerman says that the pool, pictured to the right, is going to be a reality. I can't wait for it to come out!!!!!

Happy 400 B-day Canab!

Pendul1 drew this wonderful picture.

Blue chat

Today citizen and non citizen agents have blue chat. Citizen agents have big blue chat ,and non citizen agents have small blue chat.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pendul1 and Ganzy2 love Looney Tunes. Look at their latest creation!

Ghoni's Artwork

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

My drawing of a rainbow

One day i decided to draw somthing so this is what i drew.

Gonzales' drawing

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Becoming an agent

Along time ago I became an agent it never was posted on my blog.

Friends with Pg the nice mod :D

I was talking to Pg yesterday and it was a nice talk.

Cash100's tracker has been added to my blog. He is my best friend in real life. :)

Smurfet's Party

Smurfet had another awesome party today! Hope you were there.

XOXO_Emily drew this picture of Locomonkey277 today.

Congrats to Emily on becoming an agent.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Birthday Party Anyone?

Smurfet had a surprise birthday party today. He provided party hats and green balloons. He created mud puddles from the rain, and a beautiful rainbow. It was great! Thanks, Smurfet!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Two Updates: the Ant Mask (picture drawn by Boy); and the Flip Flops.

700 Follower Party is this afternoon! Woot! See you there


Sunday, July 19, 2009

I was wandering around Chobots, and came across this picture. Good job, Flamedog.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Hiki and Tina

Potter909 drew these portraits in the underground today. -Tdawg-
(PS I'm the neon green dude on the choboard in the picture.)
Hey, there is an Agents' Meeting tomorrow! It will be my 1st one! But, I have a baseball game, so I won't be able to make it. :-(

Here is a picture by Monty92.

Hope you have a great day. -Tdawg-

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tina has been AWESOME!! She has had parties everyday, and given us great fun. Hiki comes back tomorrow (Monday), and Bans121 wanted to give Tina a present. So, here it is:

Friday, July 10, 2009

Jessie2000: New Mod

Jessie2000 can't ban people and she can't make rain. But, she gets to wear a "mod" badge. It's her 200 birthday present from Vayerman. Congrats, Jessie.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

So many 200 birthday's!!!!

There are a TON of Chobots turning 200 days old this week! Cauchemar drew this picture for my birthday. --Puffles--

Don't forget to read the post below. Go on Chobots and Congratulate the NEW AGENTS! Tdawg is one of them!!!! WOOT!
Congrats to the new agents:
(Picture was drawn by itsjustjoey, I think.) --Puffles

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Here is an example of teamwork. Artists included: Therocks67; Millionair; and Angelface497. -Tdawg-

Monday, July 6, 2009

Smurfet is Back!!!

Smurfet is back. He had a White Party, which was an idea of Elise_23. It was awesome! -Tdawg-

Yellowhouse's B-day

I drew a cake for Yellowhouse's B-day. -Tdawg-

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Pandanda Accounts

Quick Update

Many things have happened on Chobots and Club Penguin in the past few days:

Club Penguin--I haven't found Sensei. Of course, I only looked on about 5 different servers. Tdawg took 1/2 of a day, and never found him. What is the point of having a special guest if the guest is never online and accessible???

Chobots--Well, there was a big July 4th party. They developed American flags and hats to "rain". The items were in the catalog for a few minutes, then Chobots pulled them out. No idea why. Someone said that Canab had developed some fireworks too. That must have been awesome to see.

So, now that is the latest. Sorry that I don't have pictures for you. Computer problems and glitches abound.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009