Friday, August 28, 2009

New clothing is out!

As you see the ols mimo suit is old. The mimo shirt up top is also new.Zorro is my favorite suit yet!

New backrounds

These pictures are me modeling the new backrounds.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Black Skittles???

I happened to log in and caught the end of a party. Smurfet was there. He turned us all to black skittles. He left a few minutes later. Thanks for the fun, Smurfet. You are awesome.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Spending time at the Beach

A bunch of us spent time at the beach today. We had a wonderful time. Thanks Water_Misty for creating the scene for us.

Blade's Artwork

Here is a space scene by Blade. Many Chobots are drawing pictures, all trying to win the "paintbrush" prize. To see more great works of art, visit the Chobots' Forum.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Frosty's bro

As you know frosty the snowman here is his bro. Jolly the snowman

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Artwork and other news

Here is a wonderful picture by Elise_23. Today, Hiki is having a Home Decorating Contest. Also, Hiki's 15o day Birthday Party is later this afternoon. I hope you have the opportunity to participate in the contest and/or attend the party! Have a wonderful Saturday!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Here is a cool picture of Ieatchux3 by xoxo_Emily.

Tdawg and I went through out photo archives and found some pictures that we had not posted to the blog. So, we took the pictures and made a slideshow called "Lost Artwork of Chobots". The slideshow is available at

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I was going through my computer and found some old pictures. Here is one by Swifty that was never posted. Sorry about that. Hope you enjoy!

New chef suit!

The new chef suit came out today! YAY!

Backgrounds are Here!!!

Backgrounds are here! You can create your own color schemes, too! Hurry over to the Magic Shop.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Fun contest

This contest is for fun who is this?

Mimo's Party on Webosaurs

Mimo had a party on Webosaurs today. It was very crowded. I became friends with many of the mods.
Later today, Trey (you know him as Chobot, the mod) will have a party on Websosaurs. Hopefully you can come.
Oh, yeah.. In this picture, you can see my playercard. I am "Trexy" on Webosaurs.

The BOSS turns 300!!!

Vayerman turned 300 days old yesterday! Here is a drawing by Paris006 and Potter909. Also, Hikikomori visited for a little while this morning. She had a Quikee Birthday Party for Vayerman.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sweet Battle Champions

Congrats to the winners. The winners received free citizenship.

Don't forget about the video and research contests on the Chobots Forum.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Djvilas Drew this Pict for Me!!!

Today, there was a Surprise Party. Evidently, there was a "secret" mod among us. It rained shirts and magic; the cafe street's colors changed; and fireworks appeared!

Thank you to whoever was behind the party!

Sweet Battle Contest is On

The Sweet Battle Contest lasts until Friday, August 7. Good luck everyone!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

As some of you know, Tdawg likes Star Wars Clone Wars. Elise_23 drew this picture of Yoda.